Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Two websites.

Entertaintment is a very important subject to our lifes, therefore we should appreciate any project that offers quality fun services. Quality entertaiment services to be honest its difficult to find on Internet, since the www globe its conquered with billions of completely distrustful and poor web platforms, full with spams and un professional set up. I am happy to introduce you against the poor mainstream two useful links:
  • One is about chess, that we all like, play and enjoy: Chess.com . A serious project, quite well maintained and the right example of showing how a website could be so useful for one subject. I really liked it, I really do.
  • Music is definitely commercial. But commercial should also mean quality. And an example of a decent, cute music online store we have: Music Store. I recommend it, I like it.
Lets hope that more interesting web platforms will be online such the last two! Next time I will post with some Greek websites that you might wish to look at!

Sunday, November 15, 2009

I Liked it!

Not bad at all, at Google UK, London:

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Some Hints for buying a property in Greece

I had a long conversation recently with a friend and asked me to summarize as much as possible the main points that a potential buyer should consider for buying a house in Greece. After all he
convinced me and tonight I will try to publish my thoughts. Lets go on then:

I value as very important how the potential buyer tries to complete his decision for buying a house in Greece. Needless to say that any buyer should get an advice from an experienced and reliable agent. A good agent should have already a good portfolio of properties for showing to the customer. Also to be well motivated for searching and looking for houses matching the
requests of the customers.

Now when a buyer and agent have decided for some houses, it is important to schedule viewings of the related properties. The viewing or the art of viewing it is so important for choosing the
right house. I will say, without underestimating the factor price on property transactions, that the viewing is equivalent important. By the viewing you could check the quality of the
construction, the quality of the furniture and etc. One viewing might not be enough! So do not hesitate to visit your potential house couple of times.

Of course much of time should be spent for checking any legal issues regarding the properties and lands. But this also could be one of the obligations of your agent.

So after all, I will value the factors of price, of viewing and quality of the construction as very important for choosing a house in Greece.

If you have any queries regarding finding or searching for a house in Greece, check this link out: Properties in Greece

I am sure that their team is motivated and good enough for providing you good services.

Till the next time, take care please.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Quality houses for sale in Santorini

Two bedroom residence for sale in Santorini! The complex is situated in Ammoudi, Santorini with superb sea view. The residence is built on a 148 sq. m. plot and it is constructed over two levels.

The 80.09 sq. m. consists of one bedroom and one loft bedroom, two bathrooms, an open plan kitchen and living room, one more living room and a storage room.

Santorini island lies at the south end of the prefecture of Cyclades in a distance of 128 miles from the port of Piraeus. Santorini is an unusual island with intense character and unique fascination.

Gran Torino vs Taxi Driver

I will leave it as a puzzle because I think it is interesting. Is it possible to find any similarities between Gran Torino and Taxi Driver? I think there are couple of them. I will post some time next week my opinion.


Sunday, October 18, 2009

Clint Eastwood

I would like to devote this post to Clint Eastwood's movies. My first experience about his movies was the "Letters from Iwo Jima" and actually that happened accidentally. I had a business trip and BA for long distance flights usually plays movies on their monitors. That movie really triggered my mind. I was watching stories that I had listen and well understood by my grandfathers, but this time played from different people, say Americans or Japannese-does not really matter.

That was, I realized that Eastwood is a great director, besides his wonderfull acting skills. He took a story and he knew that his work could attrcact both domestic and internationall appeal. Okay, I stop here because if I start talk about this movie I never end.

Recently, I watched Gran Torino. Another master of piece. I enjoyed Gran Torino among other things for its realistic elements. Eastwood in this movie is not getting afraid of mixing many things, like how it is to be a kid in USA, how Church, does not matter of which religion, effects the real life, how Asian immigrants live and think in America and many more.

I like his movies because apart of the story, that of course always has something artificial for being interesting, is based on so many realistic elements. And this is something that you do not meet in modern directors nowdays. Modern directors it seems that do art for their art. It seems that some of them are not carefully touch and study the reallity.

Anyway, if you have not done it yet, please get the DVD and watch both movies. I am sure that you will have something to say about. If you like to have a look check these links out:

Clint Eastwood
Gran Torino Song (Excellent!)
Gran Torino Trailer

I will come back with more suggestions and finally with some posts about houses in Greece. Till then you might wish to check this link out: Properties in Greece.


Friday, October 16, 2009

Monty Python

We really love Monty Python and we really love to post here some of their work. An example :)

Monday, October 12, 2009

Active Member

I am sure that you might think that in Greece the music industry is bit boring since Greek music seems to be more or less predictable. Well, that is almost true...but there are sometimes when sounds like the sound of Active Member make some difference.

The following song is by Active Member, a song entitled Strange Days-Awesome Days and even if you are not getting what they say, I think their music is rather simple and attractive. They rap only with one guitar, thus is worth listening.

Next week, we will post several houses for sale in Greece.

Sunday, October 4, 2009


Dear All,

Today we post one of the best songs by Beatles expressing the English and of course the human soul by sun's orbit. Please enjoy this Sunday:

And if accidentally you were looking for a house in Greece, please check this out:
Properties in Santorini.

Ciao for now.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Stereo Nova

Tonight is time to say something about a great Greek band that definitely was underestimated when was active. Their name was: Stereo Nova and I am linking their wiki page. Instead of saying much, I would prefer to post one of their songs by 1992.

The song is titled: New Life 705 where 705 was a bus line in Athens. Their music sounds so fresh and great even for today! Simply because they knew to write music.

We will post again, and if you are looking for a house in Greece check this page out: Properties in Greece

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Kurt Godel

In this post I would like to change a topic and to introduce a prominent figure of Mathematics by a software trick. For those of you using firefox you might try to type Godel in your http address space. Then you should be forwared to this page: Kurt Godel. Please take some time to read it.

We will post soon again.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Remix Again

Well, I need to be consistent and to keep posting some music!

This time a remix of that song: Your own Personal Jesus.

Well what we could say about that song and Deepech Mode? A possible answer is that a giant tried to re-visit their song:

Johnny's Cash version might not have the interesting guitars of Deepech Mode, but in one sense it brings a spiritual feeling to the song.

Enjoy listening :)

Flood Maps

I just found a clever application based on google maps that gives you the sea depth on different places of the globe.

Flood Maps

An interesting tool for those looking to buy a house in Greece for instance and to check whether that sea is friendly for their kids.

Regarding properties, interesting offers for properties in Santorini can be found here: Properties in Greece.


Saturday, September 12, 2009

Henry Rollins

We or me again :)

This morning I would like to host some lines about Henry Rollins. You might remember his figure by his MTV performances, but Rollins is something more than MTV presenter. His radio show in states still rocks and we are always look forward for his unique play lists. A bbc show from early 90s might give you more idea about his work:

Fortunately his blog is constantly updated and you could have a look: Rollins.

I really want to avoid to classify him, because he is good in whatever he does. He is a musician expert in what we say rock music and suprisingly enough for an American awares the European music. He does stand up comedy, and he is goooooooood!

Well, we will dedicate more lines about Mr. Rollins and we hope that he is considering us one of his Fanatics!

Oh, yes, once again, if you are looking for a house in Greece or for a Property in Greece, please visit that website: Properties in Santorini.

By the way his play lists should be considered as test against youtube.com for missing material.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Lady Hawk

Good Evening!!!

Well, we will keep posting music and I hope that we will keep the music thread of this blog being interesting.

This time I would like to introduce Lady Hawk. Nice music and despite the fact that she is British, I think she has some strong American Country-Rock influence.

I am sure she is going to be quite popular in countries like Greece, Denmark and etc.

And as always, if you are looking for a house in Greece, please check this out: Properties in Santorini .

I am looking forward for your suggestions.

Sunday, September 6, 2009


Tonight I would like to congratulate BBC for its website for the following reasons:

1. They provide a low graphics option for many of their pages! Yes, even if we live in hi-tech ages, for so popular websites, it is important to provide LOW GRAPHICS options.

2. They have upgraded their main page in Ajax, but they keept the whole website as it was: Simple!

3. BBC's logos even in their web version, are state of art! Nothing too much, nothing less, just perfect!

BBC's website reflects what BBC is for us: Professional and a long standing Expertise.

If you are looking of course for a Property in Greece, please visit the following website: Properties in Greece

Monday, August 31, 2009

Not Yet

Dear All,

We are almost back in the usual work life after our short but valuable break. This year we visited Andros, after two years.

By visiting the same island again, you have the chance to review the local life and its services with more information than your last visit.

We sum up, this year's visit in Andros as follows:
  • I found Andros bit expensive. The renting prices were 10% more than the expected. Prices of 80 euros per night at the main town of Andros over August is definitely expensive. The local community should re-consider if their prices match their services as well.
  • The quality of the restaurants was good, not that much good as 2 years ago. The prices at the most of places was fair. I witnessed though that some restaurants were not displaying in public their prices and if you were unlucky enough to stay there, then to pay something overprices. An example some of the restaurants at the main town of Andros. But over all the quality and price here was fair.
  • I would like to congratulate once again, the Ermis Patisserie for their quality and service. Almost all their products like galaktoboureko, pastitsa and etc were clean and tasty!
Andros is a beatiful island and I really enjoyed my time there. Andros has a unique nature for hiking and difficult to approach extraordinary beautiful beaches

Regarding the real estate, there were not that many houses in stock and I saw many interesting projects. I realized that Andros is a difficult place to buy and build, but definitely a worth move to do.

At the moment, things are still difficult for the real estate industry in Greece, but it seems that there is some progress, especially with houses and lands of reasonable price like 60.000-180.000 euros.

I am wishing you a good start for your autumn and if you are looking a house to Greece, check our constant reference: Properties in Greece.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Keep Rolling....

Well, the summer is not over for sure and because whoever is lucky enough to say these words: Lets stick together.....we dedicate them this song:

Well, Bryan Ferry in his best moments. And a question: who is that lady performing next to him?

Summer is for sure related with Greece, and if you are looking for a house there, have a look here: Properties in Greece, Properties in Mykonos.

Take Care.

Sunday, August 2, 2009


Sorry, because is summer and is a quite hot day, I need to relax a bit. Therefore Fergie on your screens:

For relaxing....Fair performer. I hope you are enjoying your summer and especially if you are in Mykonos or Santorini. Properties in Mykonos and Santorini here: Greek Properties

Friday, July 31, 2009

Google Weekend.

In this post we summarize properties for sale through all Greece as they are posted in Properties in Greece.

In total there are 203 houses for sale in Greece and we classify them in areas as follows:
From these we might note the following houses, unique offers for our opinion:
  • Traditional House in Zakynthos: A recently posted house in Zakynthos; a typical example of traditional house in Ionian Islands. Beautiful garden in very good location of Zakynthos. It deveserves your attention. More information here: house for sale in Zakynthos
  • Syros is one of the most recommended islands for buying a house at this moment. Syros offers you almost everything in Cyclades: is the capital of Cyclades, easy access from Athens, near to other famous touristic destinations (Mykonos, Santorini, Tinos) and one more thing: it is beautifull! Therefore a house offer like this: Properties in Syros should be penciled.
  • Milos is clever choice for a house in Cyclades. Note that sourcing for a house in Milos is difficult and some times takes time. At the moment this is a house to note from Milos: House for sale in Milos
  • Now something different. Have you thought about Halkidiki? A great offer in Halkidiki is this beatifull house: Property in Halkidiki
  • Another house a typical example of a traditional houses in Greece, this time in Crete: House for sale in Sitia

And if you are looking more information about weekend, check this out: Weekend

There are some songs pending...I know. Be back soon.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Google Morning.

Google is an intelligent search engine machine where most of you use for finding even this blog! Most of the times I am sure you type full words for search items; did you ever tried a single letter, instead?

In this post I will post Google's alphabet-apparently Google has fixed these searches:

A- As you might well expected, wikipedia's article about the letter A: wikipedia-A . Interesting to point that for the letter A, the famouse Physics Journal comes as the second listing: Physical Review A
Link: Google A

B- Interesting. The same pattern here. First link is wikipedia's article about letter B: wikipedia-B whereas the second link is about the Physical Review again, but this time its B version: Physical Review B.
Link: Google B

C- Well, you guessed right. Speed of light as the first link. You need to type small c instead of Capital for obtaining the speed of light. The pattern remains the same, next link should be about wikipedia's article for letter C.
Link: Google C

D- D programming language?.....first link: D
Link: Google D

E- The pattern here is destroyed here :) First link a link about celebrities....: Celebrities
Link: Google E

F- I am sure you though something else for a first link! Well, first link is about Ford's Motor Company. Ford dominates also the letter F: Ford in Stock Market
Link: Google F

G- Spot on! Letter G is for google right? gmail the first link. Actually the should have all the first page with google's products...
Link: Google G

Well, I will not continue with all of them, since the game is straightforward. Just try the single letters of the alphabet and see what the machine brings. I continue with the letters that I found more funny or interesting:

Small h, brings max plank's constant: h
I is dominated by apple because of the itunes most likely: i
Small k, science again,Boltzmann's constant:k
L, no suprise, latex is first: l
M, suprise! for a first time a movie is first for a single letter: Movie m , Letter M
W, suprise! one more movie for a letter: Letter W

Lets hope that google will match properties and greece with this: Properties in Greece
or Properties in Mykonos

I will post soon with more google tricks and its interesting phenomena! Stay tuned.

Monday, July 27, 2009

David Bowie

I can not think my summers without listening Bowie's tunes. Undoubtedly one of the most important figures of the music industry. An artist that understood that being a musician does not only mean record sales, but also ART. A word completely missing from the vocabulary of modern artists and musicians. He had and he has an opinion for his work and I really appreciate him. Since we talk about remixes, this is a song by him:

and this is the remix. May I ask you to guess who are they?:)

Anyway, please try to enjoy your time even if you work and listen a lot of music. It helps! And of course do not forget to visit Greece or to look for a house there: Properties in Mykonos, House for sale in Zakynthos, House for sale in Santorini and Properties in Syros.

Take care, next post very soon.

Sunday, July 26, 2009


A great website, I am strongly suggesting you to look for the ships travelling in your area:

Live Ships Map

I really appreciate when people are being creative and provide modern and solid solutions. Well done!

By the way, Greek seas it seems to be one of the busiest ones this period. Mykonos, Cyclades in general, Ionian Islands on the map are full with ships of any kind.

Thursday, July 23, 2009


Good Morning Again!

Today's song comes from a pure artist and strong writer: Leonard Cohen. The song is the Future by Teddy Thompson and his beatiful country-accent.

For your records, check also an old version by Leonard him self.

Just to point some lines from the lyrics:

Give me back the Berlin wall
Give me Stalin and St Paul
Give me Christ
or give me Hiroshima

You Mr. Leonard Cohen, you know to put words in a line.

Enjoy your living in Greece (and everywhere actually) and if you are looking for a house in Greece, please check these ones out: House for sale in Mykonos, House for sale in Paros and House for sale in Syros.

We will post again!

Monday, July 20, 2009

Good Morning!

A rather simple post for saying Good Morning! Midle of July and the summer is not over for YOU PEOPLE :)

I hope you enjoy some summer moments by wearing new clothes, eating something different and listening a lot of music. Today's song is by Kasabian: Where Did All the Love Go.

Just turn the volume up and enjoy your summer day in Syros, Mykonos, Milos, Tinos, Paros, Andros or from the other part like: Lefkada and Zakynthos.


Thursday, July 16, 2009


Well, a general comment:

Things are okay. And we enjoy! Great Band! So much New York!

And if you have the chance, try some Scooby Snacks!

And you can listen this great song at your house in Greece :) Check out some of them here: Properties in Greece

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Greek Food!

Because you might be already in Greece and being curious for trying new tastes, here we are, from now on we start posting recipes and videos about Greek Food.

Undoubtedly pastisio is an excellent summer food! It is actually very similar with Italian Lasagna, but for sure different. You can read a very interesting lemma from Wikipedia: Pastitsio

I will say, that many people cook Pastitsio with a seperate layer of potatoes at the bottom. I prefer it with out potatoes, but is still worth trying!

Now before giving you the link of how Pastitsio is made, here is its photo:

And please watch out this link: Pastitsio Video where a Greek Lady cooks for you this tasty meal. Sorry I could not find any English speaking video about Pastistio.

Pastitsio is definitely one of the Greek foods that you could try at your own house in Greece either in Mykonos, or in Santorini or in Ionian Islands like Lefkada and Ithaca, where they have a long tradition about Greek and Italian food mixes.

next post about Gemista! Sorry Guys, I have started being hungry already :)

Saturday, July 11, 2009

House for sale in Greece

Please type whatever you want regarding Properties in Greece below and I hope that you will find your place to be in Greece.

Try different words like: Properties in Mykonos, house in Greece and check if the machine returns what you want! Do not forget to press enter!



Well I found always interesting ABBA's performances, but this one with the japanese kimonos far funny:

ABBA is an example of an extremely interesting band, with fair good music and an unbeaten sold records. But apart of their music, ABBA were a unique example of professionalism for the international music scene.

And since we were saying about remixes, this is a new remix of their song:

The comments are yours! The sound quality of the video, is not that great.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Music Remakes

In our last post we were discussing about remakes of old songs; songs difficult to interpret for new audiences.

An excellent, well made and well studied remake of Kemal, a song by Manos Hadjidakis from album Reflections, is the following tune by Raining Pleasure:

Many Congratulations to these young guys, attempting a difficult music piece. With no doubts, a magnificent work! The vocals are pretty good and unique. The music is quite technical as always Manos Hajidakis might wanted.

For your comparison, please have look at the original version of the song here: Kemal by Manos Hadjidakis. . Sorry they have disabled any outside embeding.

Raining Pleasure is a promising, young band from Greece. Some nice tunes that you might be interested in, are: Fake, Dancing Queen (a remake of Abba's song) and Capricorn. The last one is very strong pop, english influenced song. You will find that songs either in youtube or in their website.

I hope that you enjoy summer and you find blog's music posts interesting.

In the meantime if you are looking for a house in Greece, please visit the website: Properties in Greece. But Greece is not only Summer, is also Culture :)

I will post soon with more music lines.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Music Again

The last days there is a great debate in Greece regarding the following remake

of the famous song of Mr. Mikis Thodorakis and Mr. Giannis Ritsos Otan Simanoun Oi Kampanes. The band is named Blue, and is quite popular among young people in Greece. The new version has been made with Mikis Thodorakis permission. The original version is available here:

where a very interesting performance of the same song can be found here:

Please note how the audience dances and signs; magnificent.

The debate now is focused on whether such important and prestigious songs need any such remakes. My opinion is that music always seek new contributions and new interpratations of old meanings and works. Therefore the remake in advance, as an action, is not against of any rule of music. Of course this does not mean that we should force our selves to love any remake because is using modern electronic tunes and sounds.

To be honest, I did not dislike the remake, but I do believe that the tune fails somehow to reflect song's history and lyrics. The music is modern, but is open to question if matches with the song and many times sounds very predictable. But anyway, because I strongly hate misery, I am open for new sounds and experiments. Therefore, I am not declining it already.

I hope that there are more remakes to come.

I am interested to hear your comments and very soon I will present you more remakes of famous Greek sounds.

Friday, June 26, 2009

The summer is here

There is no doubt! The summer is here, and we enjoy its first weeks. Because many times pictures describe things better than any narration, I will post some photos from Santorini:







Some things to note. Please have a careful look at Santorini's land. Its colour due to the ancient volcano of the island is something unique. Another thing to point is the dense building at the main town of Santorini. One small house near to another small house. Prices in the center of Santorini due to its unique sea view are sometimes very expensive. But you could find other places with unique sea views in other places of Santorini. If you are looking for a house in Santorini and you need some advice, please hold off this website: House for sale in Santorini.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009



The moment is here!
Another Rock Wave Festival is going to take place in a few days!

The doors will open in three days, 27th of June and the journey to the music lasts till the 30th of June.
Rock Wave Festival take place in Terra Vibe. It is located in the 37 km of National Road Athens – Lamia, and the main entrance is from the slip of the National Road with direction to Lamia.


Rock Wave Festival has a history of thirteen years!
It is member of YOUROPE (formal European Association of the bigger festivals, with the strictest integration criteria).

Rockwave's festival webpage can be found here: Rockwave

Hope to meet you in Terra Vibe!

Sunday, June 21, 2009


Dear All,

In this post I would like to express some thoughts regarding last night's opening of the new musuem of Acropolis. I will summarize my thoughts as a collection of points:
  • A great night for the cultural life of Athens. The museum was a strong demand of the Greek society for about 30 years. This museum at least for now, hosts our hopes that the Greek society and its authorities will appreciate and realize the importance of studying and promoting the history of the Greek Land. Its was a night of hope, of future expectations and just Great!
  • I will say that I was not that much happy how the issue about the conflict between the Greek Goverment and the British Museum was presented. First of all, I do not like by anyway English to be declared as thiefts or barbarians due to Elgin's actions (Elgin Wiki page). Elgin's actions might be considered as illegal or against the long history of Athens and it is bit shame to accuse any British for this. I am sure that the majority of Greeks, respect the English history and recognize Britain's role for our independence (Navarino Battle). I am sure as well, that many Greeks believe that the British Democracy can extensively discuss the return of Parthenon Marbles to Athens by suggesting a mutual solution. I felt that we need these words for limiting the conflict between the British Museum and Acropolis Museum instead of presenting it as a conflict between England and Greece.
  • Now back to the solutions. Regarding the marbles, I feel that we need to state the problem as a modern international issue that everybody hopes and aims to solve. And the solution is quite technical. It would be very interesting for instance if Greek and U.K. universities together with the directions of the British and Acropolis museums to investigate a way for merging the seperated parts and exposing them both in Athens and in UK. In technical and scientific terms, this merging is very challenging.
  • By concluding this post, I would like to point that now is also the right time for the society of Athens to build Athens around this museum by improving the public services, by improving the quality of transpotation and the urban planning of the city.
I hope that I explained at last, that the existence of this museum is a need of the global society and it should not be used for enhancing the conflict (if there is any) between Greece and England. We had bad times and we have some bad times. England has its own bad times and for sure modern bad moments. Lets look forward for a better future. We need it!

I will appreciate your comments.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Live in Athens

Dear All,

Just to let you know that you could watch live the official opening of the new Acropolis Museum. The link is here: Live Acropolis

I strongly believe that would be a wonderful opening reflecting the importance of the museum in Athens. The event should start at 21.00 Athens-Gr Time.

I will appreciate your comments.

Thursday, June 18, 2009


I am sure that you have realized my sympathy and support to KT Tunstall. In this post please enjoy a nice song that could keep you company over your time in Greece.

Saving My Facing! I will do the right thing!.... A Great Song by a talented artist. I think there is some country influence in her songs. But stop and just start imaging listening this song while you are enjoying your breakfast in one of the nice cafeterias of Ano Xora of Milos or Syros and looking the Aegean Sea. Just fantastic!

And do not forget, regarding houses for sale in Greece, check this out: house in Mykonos

Over the weekend, I will post some recommendations for food in Athens.

Ciao and later!

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Great News!

Great News!

The Greek coastline and seas are highly compliant with the the European Standars for the quality of sea water. The related link is available here: Greek Waters and the main web page of the relative branch of EU is here: European Union-Water Bath .

Greece is ranked third, after Cyprus and Lithuania for the quality of sea water. Last positioned of that report are England, Belgium and Poland, where high percentage of their beaches are not good for bathing.

For searching a house in Greece, I will strongly recommend you to get precise information about the area of your interest. It is very important to know the insights of the local community. Due to the growing interest for summer houses in Greece, local communities are very active regarding the protection of the nature of their places. In many places you might meet strong debates regarding building and urban planning regulations. And this is the reason for choosing an agent that could guide you and suggest you possible solutions for your summer resort.

Greece, is a unique country among many reasons but also due to its coastline. You could find many spots for building or buying your summer dreamed resort. But as I said, Greeks over the last three years and mainly after the devastated fires in Peloponnese, are
very sensitive with ecological matters. You might find government or public institutions not that much careful about the environment, the local communities though, are quite active and demanding the last years.

Therefore, please get some advice before you buy a house in Greece. An office that could help you with your search and questions, bringing you also the local insights of each area, is the Greek Properties.

Well, I wanted to share with you the great news and we will post soon!

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Next Posts and more


Summer is already here and I am sure that you have started enjoying the nice weather. I would like to update you for our next posts that we prepare:

1. We will post some more information about the on going music and art festivals through all Greece. This summer looks quite interesting and you could find couple of interesting events.

2. We will post information about nice restaurants in Athens.

For now I would like to remind you that 20th of June is the official opening of the new musuem of Acropolis. We are eagerly waiting for this opening! The official web site is: The new Acropolis Museum and you could read more here: Acropolis .

Of course, we will still keep you updated about property offers in Greece. Some interesting offers that you might consider are:
  • House in Galaxidi. Galaxidi is a town with very attractive modern history in Greece. Its harbor was a maritime center for many years with international prestige. Some information about Galaxidi you can read: Galaxidi .
  • House for sale in Paros. A beautiful house at reasonable price. Paros is quite touristic island of the Cyclades complex.
  • House in Kea. A very interesting house, for demanding potential buyers.
  • House for sale in Santorini. Santorini with no doubt, is a place to be. This house is another of high quality offer available in Santorini.
  • House in Mykonos. An interesting offer in Mykonos, one of the most popular destination in Greece.
Stay tuned!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

A beautiful walk in the heart of Athens

Monstiraki is a unique place located in the heart of Athens, near Thission and Psirri. It is one of the most vivid and busy areas in downtown Athens, ideal for walking or shopping day and night.
Monastiraki is famous because of the market. It is a place where you can find anything you want to buy. Here you can find: old coins, stamps and generally antiques for collectors, gramophones, old vinyl, second hand cd’s, gramophone vinyl, fore passed decade magazines newspapers and accessories, artifacts of mid war ages and before, hand organs, second hand pc’s, hardware and mobile telephony supplies. We can even find bikes and their parts, fancily knives, katana swords, hunters survival kits, leather supplies, baggages, smoking supplies, sun glasses, various tools and industrial machinery. Also has many tourist shops. All these shops are not only open normal shop hours, but also at the weekends and especially on Sundays.
Except from the number of shops, Monastiraki has also many cafes and restaurants. They offer a spectacular view and all the ancient monuments you find across the streets they travel you away from the city noise. You have the feeling that the time stops and you only have to enjoy your time by watching the variety of different people that visit this area.
The trade market is fortunate enough to be next to the Ancient Market that has a starting point from Monastiraki square(next to Monastiraki metro station) and reaches up to Apostle Pavlos wayfarer and St.Asomaton square.
Monastiraki area is one of the places that represent tradition and tourist sightseeing at the same time. It’s placed under the shadow of Acropolis at the South West section of the magisterial Sacred Rock and next to the Ancient Market and Attalos loft.
Many tourists are visiting here throughout the entire year. At summertime especially the place is full of people who traveled here from the far reaches of the world to admire our historical monuments and at the same time buy various staff (souvenirs, jewelry, clothes, shoes ,antiques etc) from our rich market of Monastiraki area.
During our walk we may meet various folklore bands, stilts and clowns mainly at Monastiraki square or the wayfarer of Andriannou Street. If tired we can relax and have a meal at one of the traditional coffee shops and restaurant of Andriannou street, St. Philip and Avissynias square with a view of the Acropolis, Hephaestus temple and Attalos loft.

We can reach Monastiraki via railway of ISAP (Monastiraki and Thisseion station) or via the busses who drive through Athens and Ermoy street. Parking spaces can be found in the Psyrri area.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Greek Architecture

In this post I am trying to approach the subject Greek Architecture or Traditional Greek houses by referring to the work of Aris Konstantinidis. Greek Architecture is a very difficult subject for study and techinical as well, due to its long history and its very rapid, modern and irregular development.

We might say that Greek Architecture includes all the buildings built in Greece so far. Therefore examples of Greek Architecture are the famous ancient Greek buildings and constructions. By Greek Architecture we also refer to the modern or new buildings of Athens. If we focus on Athens particularly, typical examples of the Greek Architecture are the houses built by the Greek immigrants from Mikra Asia (Ionia, now is part of Turkey, Turkey's Aegean coast line) known in Greek as "Mikrasiatika" or "Prosfigika" and the new-classic houses of Athens built at the beginning of the 20th century. Prosfigika Houses can be found in many suburbs of Athens like Nea Philadelfia and Nea Ionia, to name some. Some characteristic images of the Prosfigika and how they look today, are:

Back now to the work and theory of Aris Konstandinidis we should say that his work can be considered as the fist examples of modern Architecture in Greece. Is very likely by visiting Greece, especially Crete or Andros, Mykonos, Athens and Halkidiki to see some of his projects. Unfortunately enough, many of his buildings are not in good condition and are abandoned. The main technical reason for that, is that many of his works, are hotels owned from the Greek Public Institution of Tourism (E.O.T); a public enterprize with serious financial problems today. Thus, due to the limited funding, these beautiful hotels, known as Xenia, in nowdays are empty and many of them destroyed. An example, is the following hotel in Halkidiki:

Some more photos can be found here: Xenia Hotels

His architect has some clear features. In his buildings is always clear the main construction elements of the houses. That is, Konstantinidis separates the different layers of the houses: internal and external. Another important element of his work is the size of his houses. Konstantinidis was inspired from the domestic architecture, houses that they look like the Prosfigika. In other words, his houses are houses with gardens and outside constructions for making shadow over the summer, houses with clear structure of their construction and of a relatively small height.

Is almost impossible in this post to discuss Konstantinidis's work in detail. I hope that this post will motivate you to visit some of his projects. A detailed list of his projects with locations can be found here: Konstantinidis Projects

Konstntinidis's Biography, written by his son, Dimitris Konstantinidis also an architect can be read here: Biography .

Regarding modern and commercial houses for sale in Greece please have a look here: Properties in Greece.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Are you ready?

Are you ready to visit Greece? Are you surfing the Internet few hours before travelling to Greece?

Well, in this post we try to keep you company before arriving in Greece and in Athens, in particular.

Where to Go?

There are many places to visit in Athens. I am strongly recommending to visit Plaka, the tube Station Acropolis and Acropoli of course. The area around the tube station Acropolis still keeps some characteristics of how Athes was before the second world war. Another tube station to visit and the area around it is Monastiraki. By Monastiraki you could walk the main shop street of Athens, Ermou street. Thus, Ermou is a good choice for a walk and shopping over the day. Over the night you could again choose Monastiraki since many restaurants with good food surrounding Monastiraki's square. Another good choice is Plaka and its square where again many restaurants are available for locals and tourists.

Where you should not go?

Unfortunately there are couple of times that I see tourists around Omonoia square and especially at the streets Peiraios and Athina and them to look completely surprised and lost. They are surprised because just few meters from their luxurious hotels or near to the
down town, hundreds of poor immigrants, many people under drug influence occupy most of the streets. The area is not clean and over the night is not safe for tourists. This does not mean that
Athens is not safe, but please keep in mind to avoid over the night that neighborhoods. For giving you a better understanding how these streets are, just recall some images from East London or Newmarket in Amsterdam after midnight.

We stay for couple of days, where else shall we go?

If you are lucky enough to have couple of days to stay in Athens then there are many of places for you to explore.

An interesting street is Patision. Patision is quite long and hosts many shops, theaters and cinemas. Patision is fully served by public buses that you could easily use. Exarxia square, near to Panepistimiou and Patision, is for those seeking to see and to feel the underground life of Athens. Couple of clubs there for drinks. If you have time, seek to visit Rosalia restaurant, near
to Exarxeia square. Good food and reasonable prices. If you are looking for music stores then Panepistimiou near to Patision has couple of them. Metropolis is one of them.

Solonos, near to Akadimias, is full with bookstores and small shops for your coffee.

Gazi, near to Omonoia, is the main spot for evening enternaiment.

Many music pubs are available playing foreign music.


I am strongly advising you to visit Plaka's restaurants. If you are looking for a fast food, Goodys chain is very popular in Greece with good varieties; their club sandwich is quite good.

Souvlaki! I am sure that you want to give a try. Arahova is a good souvlaki shop, near to Kanigos Square, towards Akadimias street. But please ask some guys from your hotel to advice you for a good, local, souvlaki shop. You will feel for a while Greek :)


Public transportation is not bad at all. You could buy bus tickets from metro-tube stations and from local shops. "periptera", those yellow street shops, most of the times sell tickets. Please note that tickets should be validated when you entry the bus by using some clear indicated machine boxes. The duration for a single trip is one hour and half. Athens's metro is quite modern and convenient. You could visit the main spots by using only the tube.

Anyway, I am wishing you a nice trip and to enjoy your stay in Greece.

And if you are looking for a house in Greece, please visit this website: House for sale in Greece

We will post again soon, stay tuned.

Friday, May 22, 2009


Dear All,

Because life is not only work, business, money and worries, I decided to share with you a song that I really like:

Lily Allen, a relatively new song from her brand new album. Nice, Nice, Nice! I like the fact that the music is smooth electronic and the rythm is so playful. The video is also clever, so colourful. Lyrics are far strong and as always Lily does not afraid to say some truths. Some clever points that I caught from the lyrics are:
  • Now everything's cool as long as I’m gettin thinner
  • And i’ll take my clothes off and it will be shameless;Cuz everyone knows that’s how you get famous
  • fu...ing fantastic.
Well I am looking forward for her new albuls; Is so promising artist.

I hope that this song will keep you a company while you are staying in Greece or you are looking for your house in Greece. If you seek for a prompt advice here are some houses for you to look at:

Thats all for now, keep tuned!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Greek News Papers

Hi There!

In one of our last posts we talk about Greek Media. In this post I am presenting you some information about the Greek News papers. Suprisingly enough there is a big number of news papers published in Greece.

Of course you might be interested in English papers published by Greek publishing organizations. We list of some of the major news papers and a long list is available here.
  • Kathimerini (Daily in English). Kathimerini has a well maintained English version and its link is this one: Kathimerini. Kathimerini is considered to be affiliated with what is called center-right. Kathimerini is also publishing in Greece, the English version of the The International Herald Tribune.
  • Ta Nea (The News, in English). Ta Nea is a paper of high circulation considered to express the center-left. Their page is: Ta Nea and is worth noting that they do not offer an English version. Nea and Vima (The Tribune), are two of high circulation papers published by the same publishing organization Lambrakis Press (www.dol.gr). Vima's online version also lacks an English edition. Lambraki Press is also the owner of the well established portal: www.in.gr.
In Greece of course there are some more political news papers targeting specific readers. For instance, Rizospastis (Radical) is a historical political paper associated with the Greek Communist Party. I Avgi (The Dawn) is also a well known old political paper affiliated with the Coalition of Left Parties.

Apart of many news paper titles in Greece, sports news papers are amazingly popular. The majority of the Sports papers are affiliated with a football team. Olympiakos, AEK and Panathinaikos for instance have their own papers like: Protathlitis (Champion, http://www.championsday.gr/), Dikefalos, Derby and Prasini, respectively.

There are also some very popular and well maintained sports portal like: www.contra.gr

Very popular are also the betting papers, specializing in the betting football predictions. There are plenty here: www.12x.gr (one of the oldest) and KingBet (http://www.kingbet.gr/).

I hope that you found the post interesting and you might choose some news papers while you are enjoying your holidays in a house in Syros or in a villa in Santorini or in a house in Mykonos.

If you are looking for Properties in Greece or a house for sale in Mykonos, a house for sale in Lefkada or a house for sale in Skiathos, please take a look at the Greek Properties.

Ciao for now!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Bookstores in Athens

Athens is a real book center!

Greeks according to latest researches might not read much, but the number of book titles published by Greek publishing companies has significantly increased. Of course the majority of the book titles in Greece are in Greek Langauge and many translations of foreign editions are published as well.

As I said, many Greeks do not really love reading, but for those buying books are strongly dedicated to different sort of books.

This post though is not about whether Greeks are reading or not. Is about the numerous book stores at the center of Athens. We could say that some streets of Athens host only book stores.

I will start with the Ikaros publications located at the heart of Athens near to the Old Parliament and near to Ermou Street. Ikaros has published the majority of the books of the two Nobel prizewinners George Seferis and Odysseus Elytis. Ikaros has dedicated friends and if you ever visit Athens, I am strongly advicing you to visit that small but so significant book store. Note that at Ikaros signficant Greek Poets were meeting regurarly for exchanging thoughts and reading poems. Ikaros website is: Ikaros

A second bookstore that I am strongly recommending you to visit, is the bookstore of the Estia Publications. Estia publications and its bookstore is one of the oldest ones in Athens and their library has a significant collection of Greek books by famous Greek Authors like Kazantzaki, Tsirka and many more. Estia book store is located at Solonos near to the Law School of Athens.

For those of you looking for English Titles you might interested in Papasotiriou and Eleutheroudakis bookstores. Eleutheroudakis main bookstore is located towards the Panepistimiou Street and their website is: http://www.books.gr/. Papasotiriou on the other hand offers many technical book titles and their website is: http://www.papasotiriou.gr/. I am recommending you to visit their Patision and Stournari branch and you to have a look at their Greek or Modern Architecture section.

Off course, for those of you looking for a completely different book market you should visit Monastiraki where many second hand old books can be found. If you like visiting free markets, then Monastiraki is a place you should not miss!

Another street with many bookstores is Zoodoxou Pigis. Near to Akadimias.

I am promising you to post again about the Greek Book market. If you want any more information or help please drop me a line as a comment and we will keep in touch.

And if you are looking a for house in Greece, please have a look here: Properties in Greece where recently a magnificent house in Galaxidi has been posted: house for sale in Galaxidi

All the best!

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Photos from Greece

Is interesting sometimes to check out what Google returns as related images for some queries. I will start with the one that I most enjoy:

My Google query was: house in Greece, and the beautiful Joanna (I got the name from the source link of the photo) was the fourth image of the returned Google images. Well, I do not know how much related Joanna is with houses in Greece, but the image is bringing back to our memory all that young ladies and boys working at the holiday resorts of Greece. I am sure that as me, you thought that Joanna is relaxing due to the summer holidays. Well this is not true since Joanna is having a break after a long day at her workplace in Mykonos.

The next query was: holiday in Greece. The image came as the second most related one. Yes is true, google images somehow reflects what most probably you will meet in the Greek Beaches. But is interesting that even Google's algorithm relates Greek holidays with beatiful ladies:)

I tried a more general query: Greek, and I obtained that photo. Another evidence that Google's algorithm and its image selection relates Greece with ladies.

Well I hope that you enjoyed this post and that you still plan to visit Greece soon. My next post will be about books and bookstores in Greece. Suprisingly enough Athens especially is a real publishing center. I will post soon!

If you are still planning to view or buy some Greek Properties, please have a look here: Properties in Greece.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Events & Festivals!

Every May is taking place “The Homereia” in Ios island. Legend has it that the great poet Homer, (supposed author of The Iliad) is buried on the island.

To honour his memory, every year there are cultural and sporting events including folk dancing, painting, and running races as part of this vibrant cultural festival. Leading figures from the world of culture and the arts come here for the three-day arts extravaganza. Readers of the poet's epics may want to join in and make the most of this island while the early summer allows a quieter experience of Ios before August sees it over-run with drinking holidaymakers.

Every August Cyclades Islands are full of festivals.

In Tinos is the fish festival. The beach at Aliki hosts the annual Fish Festival, with traditional dance and song going on through the night to the early hours. There is plenty of sustenance on offer, including fried fish dishes and wine.

In Santorini is the Jazz Festival. Held in an open-air cinema in the town of Kamari, the Santorini Jazz Festival is an annual series of concerts from local and – increasingly –international jazz musicians. Founded in 1997 by the cinema's owner and an Athenian musician, the festival has since played host to most of Greece's leading jazz bands, along with groups from Poland, France, Austria and the USA. The programming is eclectic, taking in everything from bebop to funk, and the outdoor location makes for three enjoyable evenings of music.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Greek Media

In this post I would like to give you some information about the Greek TV channels. I am sure that for some of you visiting greece soon would be interesting to know what you should expect from the Greek Media.

Well, Greek media and especially TV stations are very popular in Greece. I am sure that at any small shop selling cokes or chips you will see a tv screen being tuned in a TV frequency. Yes!
Greeks are TV-addicted.

There are public and private broadcasts. By public we refer to channels owned by the government while private are TV stations owned by media companies, publishers and other organizations. Note that the are not really controlled by the government but mostly managed. Off course the governments influence to the public channels is strong, but not much as in other countries.

The channels are:
  • Mega Channel: http://www.megatv.com/ Quite popular for news and shows.
  • Antenna Channel: http://www.antenna.gr/ A big competitor of the first one.
  • Alpha TV: http://www.alphatv.gr/
  • Star Channel: http://www.star.gr Mostly for American influenced entertainment. Plays mostly American Movies and TV productions.
  • SKAI TV: http://www.skai.gr/ A decent TV station with clear focus on Global and Domestic News, Sports and Culture. There is also an available Live section on the website.
  • ALTER TV: http://www.alter.gr/ Watch it if you want to learn how a typical Greek Station might look like....
All the mentioned channels are private ones and the public
channels are:
  • ET1-First Public program
  • NET-second Public program
  • ET3- The public TV channel of North Greece with headquarters at Thessaloniki.
Their links are available by: http://www.ert.gr/en/ You will find a quite well developed English section, with frequent updates.

I was planning to write many things, but I will keep this post more informative and short. Thus whenever you are visiting Athens, Mykonos, Syros, Santorini, Tinos or any other Greek Island, and you want to use the available screen of your room, please watch one of the channels above.

There are so many things that you could write about the Greek Tv and I am leaving it for later...
Properties in Greece

Monday, April 13, 2009

Travel tips!


For the next few days I will post information about how to access the Cyclades islands.

Let's start with Santorini. Santorini is one of the most famous Cyclades island.

An important reason is the easy access that has. You can visit it by air or by sea. Everyday there are scheduled ship trips from Piraeus port, especially during the summer period. Many normal ferries and hydrofoils make daily trips to connect Santorini to the mainland Greece.

A classical ferry that departs from Piraeus needs about eight hours to reach the port of Santorini while more modern ferries need about seven hours. Santorini is also conencted to Thessaloniki (the trip takes about 20 hours) and Heraklion, Crete (4 hours by normal ferry). It is also linked with other Aegean islands, so you can combine your holidays.

Apart from normal ferries, there are also many hydrofoil itineraries to connect Santorini with other Aegean islands.

Using the plane you can choose among the everyday - scheduled flights from Athens International Airport (Eleftherios Venizelos) or using one of the thousands charter fights during the summer season. The National Airport of Santorini is connected to most international airports.

The flight time from Athens to Santorini is about 45 minutes and from Thessaloniki to Santorini about 1 hour and a half

Stay tuned,
Properties in Santorini

Thursday, April 9, 2009


I am starting with wishing you a restful Easter.

In this post we give a summary of the houses for sale in Cyclades promoted by Properties in Greece. I hope that the following links will help you to search for your houes in Greece.

At this moment the Properties in Greece is hosting 55 property offers in Cyclades. In more detail:
From these 55 carefully selected houses, I would like to point some price distribution:
  • 9 properties are up to € 100.000 .
  • 8 houses with prices ranging from € 100.000 to € 200.00.
  • 14 houses with prices from €200.000 up to € 300.000.
  • 11 villas with prices ranging from €300.00 to € 500.000.
The last days we are looking to collect some interesting and quality property offers with prices around € 150.000 for helping our customers to choose from a variety of houses and prices.

Soon we will update you with more information of our research. If you are looking for a house in Greece and particularly in Cyclades, please contact us: Properties for sale in Greece and we will more than happy to support your searching.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Greek Posts

Lusso magazine is a relatively new magazine and as its title indicates is a magazine about Luxury. It was quite interesting to read some posts about Greece and I found them quite well posted.

The first article is about Thessaloniki, the second biggest city of Greece and the marketing center of North Greece and Balkans. Indeed Thessaloniki is a charmy town with great combination of history and modern architecture. Thessaloniki is full with historical places of modern and ancient times, with well operated musuems and excellent quality restaurants. Actually is a town for all tastes, and I can not imagine you not finding something to like there.

For those expecting to see Thessaloniki being similar to Athens will realize soon that Thessaloniki is so different from Athens. Off course both suffer from the same traffic problems and have apparent poor urban planning and etc. But this does not mean that Thessaloniki is not developing, and whatever the article states is far true: Thessaloniki Life

Regarding properties and houses in Thessaloniki, please note that Thessaloniki is very near to Halkidiki, thus combines the life of a big city with an easily accessible holiday resort like Halkidiki. The last years there is an increased interest for buying Properties in Thessaloniki. We will post more about property opportunities in Thessaloniki.

The second article is about the holiday resorts near Athens: Resorts in Athens. Indeed Lagonisi or Lagonissi is not only a great place for having luxury holidays in Athens, but a great place for buying properties in Greece. Read the post: Resorts in Athens and you will definitely understand to what I am referring to.

Thanks for reading,
Properties for sale in Greece
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