Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Google Morning.

Google is an intelligent search engine machine where most of you use for finding even this blog! Most of the times I am sure you type full words for search items; did you ever tried a single letter, instead?

In this post I will post Google's alphabet-apparently Google has fixed these searches:

A- As you might well expected, wikipedia's article about the letter A: wikipedia-A . Interesting to point that for the letter A, the famouse Physics Journal comes as the second listing: Physical Review A
Link: Google A

B- Interesting. The same pattern here. First link is wikipedia's article about letter B: wikipedia-B whereas the second link is about the Physical Review again, but this time its B version: Physical Review B.
Link: Google B

C- Well, you guessed right. Speed of light as the first link. You need to type small c instead of Capital for obtaining the speed of light. The pattern remains the same, next link should be about wikipedia's article for letter C.
Link: Google C

D- D programming language?.....first link: D
Link: Google D

E- The pattern here is destroyed here :) First link a link about celebrities....: Celebrities
Link: Google E

F- I am sure you though something else for a first link! Well, first link is about Ford's Motor Company. Ford dominates also the letter F: Ford in Stock Market
Link: Google F

G- Spot on! Letter G is for google right? gmail the first link. Actually the should have all the first page with google's products...
Link: Google G

Well, I will not continue with all of them, since the game is straightforward. Just try the single letters of the alphabet and see what the machine brings. I continue with the letters that I found more funny or interesting:

Small h, brings max plank's constant: h
I is dominated by apple because of the itunes most likely: i
Small k, science again,Boltzmann's constant:k
L, no suprise, latex is first: l
M, suprise! for a first time a movie is first for a single letter: Movie m , Letter M
W, suprise! one more movie for a letter: Letter W

Lets hope that google will match properties and greece with this: Properties in Greece
or Properties in Mykonos

I will post soon with more google tricks and its interesting phenomena! Stay tuned.

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