Sunday, May 10, 2009

Bookstores in Athens

Athens is a real book center!

Greeks according to latest researches might not read much, but the number of book titles published by Greek publishing companies has significantly increased. Of course the majority of the book titles in Greece are in Greek Langauge and many translations of foreign editions are published as well.

As I said, many Greeks do not really love reading, but for those buying books are strongly dedicated to different sort of books.

This post though is not about whether Greeks are reading or not. Is about the numerous book stores at the center of Athens. We could say that some streets of Athens host only book stores.

I will start with the Ikaros publications located at the heart of Athens near to the Old Parliament and near to Ermou Street. Ikaros has published the majority of the books of the two Nobel prizewinners George Seferis and Odysseus Elytis. Ikaros has dedicated friends and if you ever visit Athens, I am strongly advicing you to visit that small but so significant book store. Note that at Ikaros signficant Greek Poets were meeting regurarly for exchanging thoughts and reading poems. Ikaros website is: Ikaros

A second bookstore that I am strongly recommending you to visit, is the bookstore of the Estia Publications. Estia publications and its bookstore is one of the oldest ones in Athens and their library has a significant collection of Greek books by famous Greek Authors like Kazantzaki, Tsirka and many more. Estia book store is located at Solonos near to the Law School of Athens.

For those of you looking for English Titles you might interested in Papasotiriou and Eleutheroudakis bookstores. Eleutheroudakis main bookstore is located towards the Panepistimiou Street and their website is: Papasotiriou on the other hand offers many technical book titles and their website is: I am recommending you to visit their Patision and Stournari branch and you to have a look at their Greek or Modern Architecture section.

Off course, for those of you looking for a completely different book market you should visit Monastiraki where many second hand old books can be found. If you like visiting free markets, then Monastiraki is a place you should not miss!

Another street with many bookstores is Zoodoxou Pigis. Near to Akadimias.

I am promising you to post again about the Greek Book market. If you want any more information or help please drop me a line as a comment and we will keep in touch.

And if you are looking a for house in Greece, please have a look here: Properties in Greece where recently a magnificent house in Galaxidi has been posted: house for sale in Galaxidi

All the best!

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