Monday, June 29, 2009

Music Again

The last days there is a great debate in Greece regarding the following remake

of the famous song of Mr. Mikis Thodorakis and Mr. Giannis Ritsos Otan Simanoun Oi Kampanes. The band is named Blue, and is quite popular among young people in Greece. The new version has been made with Mikis Thodorakis permission. The original version is available here:

where a very interesting performance of the same song can be found here:

Please note how the audience dances and signs; magnificent.

The debate now is focused on whether such important and prestigious songs need any such remakes. My opinion is that music always seek new contributions and new interpratations of old meanings and works. Therefore the remake in advance, as an action, is not against of any rule of music. Of course this does not mean that we should force our selves to love any remake because is using modern electronic tunes and sounds.

To be honest, I did not dislike the remake, but I do believe that the tune fails somehow to reflect song's history and lyrics. The music is modern, but is open to question if matches with the song and many times sounds very predictable. But anyway, because I strongly hate misery, I am open for new sounds and experiments. Therefore, I am not declining it already.

I hope that there are more remakes to come.

I am interested to hear your comments and very soon I will present you more remakes of famous Greek sounds.

Friday, June 26, 2009

The summer is here

There is no doubt! The summer is here, and we enjoy its first weeks. Because many times pictures describe things better than any narration, I will post some photos from Santorini:







Some things to note. Please have a careful look at Santorini's land. Its colour due to the ancient volcano of the island is something unique. Another thing to point is the dense building at the main town of Santorini. One small house near to another small house. Prices in the center of Santorini due to its unique sea view are sometimes very expensive. But you could find other places with unique sea views in other places of Santorini. If you are looking for a house in Santorini and you need some advice, please hold off this website: House for sale in Santorini.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009



The moment is here!
Another Rock Wave Festival is going to take place in a few days!

The doors will open in three days, 27th of June and the journey to the music lasts till the 30th of June.
Rock Wave Festival take place in Terra Vibe. It is located in the 37 km of National Road Athens – Lamia, and the main entrance is from the slip of the National Road with direction to Lamia.


Rock Wave Festival has a history of thirteen years!
It is member of YOUROPE (formal European Association of the bigger festivals, with the strictest integration criteria).

Rockwave's festival webpage can be found here: Rockwave

Hope to meet you in Terra Vibe!

Sunday, June 21, 2009


Dear All,

In this post I would like to express some thoughts regarding last night's opening of the new musuem of Acropolis. I will summarize my thoughts as a collection of points:
  • A great night for the cultural life of Athens. The museum was a strong demand of the Greek society for about 30 years. This museum at least for now, hosts our hopes that the Greek society and its authorities will appreciate and realize the importance of studying and promoting the history of the Greek Land. Its was a night of hope, of future expectations and just Great!
  • I will say that I was not that much happy how the issue about the conflict between the Greek Goverment and the British Museum was presented. First of all, I do not like by anyway English to be declared as thiefts or barbarians due to Elgin's actions (Elgin Wiki page). Elgin's actions might be considered as illegal or against the long history of Athens and it is bit shame to accuse any British for this. I am sure that the majority of Greeks, respect the English history and recognize Britain's role for our independence (Navarino Battle). I am sure as well, that many Greeks believe that the British Democracy can extensively discuss the return of Parthenon Marbles to Athens by suggesting a mutual solution. I felt that we need these words for limiting the conflict between the British Museum and Acropolis Museum instead of presenting it as a conflict between England and Greece.
  • Now back to the solutions. Regarding the marbles, I feel that we need to state the problem as a modern international issue that everybody hopes and aims to solve. And the solution is quite technical. It would be very interesting for instance if Greek and U.K. universities together with the directions of the British and Acropolis museums to investigate a way for merging the seperated parts and exposing them both in Athens and in UK. In technical and scientific terms, this merging is very challenging.
  • By concluding this post, I would like to point that now is also the right time for the society of Athens to build Athens around this museum by improving the public services, by improving the quality of transpotation and the urban planning of the city.
I hope that I explained at last, that the existence of this museum is a need of the global society and it should not be used for enhancing the conflict (if there is any) between Greece and England. We had bad times and we have some bad times. England has its own bad times and for sure modern bad moments. Lets look forward for a better future. We need it!

I will appreciate your comments.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Live in Athens

Dear All,

Just to let you know that you could watch live the official opening of the new Acropolis Museum. The link is here: Live Acropolis

I strongly believe that would be a wonderful opening reflecting the importance of the museum in Athens. The event should start at 21.00 Athens-Gr Time.

I will appreciate your comments.

Thursday, June 18, 2009


I am sure that you have realized my sympathy and support to KT Tunstall. In this post please enjoy a nice song that could keep you company over your time in Greece.

Saving My Facing! I will do the right thing!.... A Great Song by a talented artist. I think there is some country influence in her songs. But stop and just start imaging listening this song while you are enjoying your breakfast in one of the nice cafeterias of Ano Xora of Milos or Syros and looking the Aegean Sea. Just fantastic!

And do not forget, regarding houses for sale in Greece, check this out: house in Mykonos

Over the weekend, I will post some recommendations for food in Athens.

Ciao and later!

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Great News!

Great News!

The Greek coastline and seas are highly compliant with the the European Standars for the quality of sea water. The related link is available here: Greek Waters and the main web page of the relative branch of EU is here: European Union-Water Bath .

Greece is ranked third, after Cyprus and Lithuania for the quality of sea water. Last positioned of that report are England, Belgium and Poland, where high percentage of their beaches are not good for bathing.

For searching a house in Greece, I will strongly recommend you to get precise information about the area of your interest. It is very important to know the insights of the local community. Due to the growing interest for summer houses in Greece, local communities are very active regarding the protection of the nature of their places. In many places you might meet strong debates regarding building and urban planning regulations. And this is the reason for choosing an agent that could guide you and suggest you possible solutions for your summer resort.

Greece, is a unique country among many reasons but also due to its coastline. You could find many spots for building or buying your summer dreamed resort. But as I said, Greeks over the last three years and mainly after the devastated fires in Peloponnese, are
very sensitive with ecological matters. You might find government or public institutions not that much careful about the environment, the local communities though, are quite active and demanding the last years.

Therefore, please get some advice before you buy a house in Greece. An office that could help you with your search and questions, bringing you also the local insights of each area, is the Greek Properties.

Well, I wanted to share with you the great news and we will post soon!

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Next Posts and more


Summer is already here and I am sure that you have started enjoying the nice weather. I would like to update you for our next posts that we prepare:

1. We will post some more information about the on going music and art festivals through all Greece. This summer looks quite interesting and you could find couple of interesting events.

2. We will post information about nice restaurants in Athens.

For now I would like to remind you that 20th of June is the official opening of the new musuem of Acropolis. We are eagerly waiting for this opening! The official web site is: The new Acropolis Museum and you could read more here: Acropolis .

Of course, we will still keep you updated about property offers in Greece. Some interesting offers that you might consider are:
  • House in Galaxidi. Galaxidi is a town with very attractive modern history in Greece. Its harbor was a maritime center for many years with international prestige. Some information about Galaxidi you can read: Galaxidi .
  • House for sale in Paros. A beautiful house at reasonable price. Paros is quite touristic island of the Cyclades complex.
  • House in Kea. A very interesting house, for demanding potential buyers.
  • House for sale in Santorini. Santorini with no doubt, is a place to be. This house is another of high quality offer available in Santorini.
  • House in Mykonos. An interesting offer in Mykonos, one of the most popular destination in Greece.
Stay tuned!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

A beautiful walk in the heart of Athens

Monstiraki is a unique place located in the heart of Athens, near Thission and Psirri. It is one of the most vivid and busy areas in downtown Athens, ideal for walking or shopping day and night.
Monastiraki is famous because of the market. It is a place where you can find anything you want to buy. Here you can find: old coins, stamps and generally antiques for collectors, gramophones, old vinyl, second hand cd’s, gramophone vinyl, fore passed decade magazines newspapers and accessories, artifacts of mid war ages and before, hand organs, second hand pc’s, hardware and mobile telephony supplies. We can even find bikes and their parts, fancily knives, katana swords, hunters survival kits, leather supplies, baggages, smoking supplies, sun glasses, various tools and industrial machinery. Also has many tourist shops. All these shops are not only open normal shop hours, but also at the weekends and especially on Sundays.
Except from the number of shops, Monastiraki has also many cafes and restaurants. They offer a spectacular view and all the ancient monuments you find across the streets they travel you away from the city noise. You have the feeling that the time stops and you only have to enjoy your time by watching the variety of different people that visit this area.
The trade market is fortunate enough to be next to the Ancient Market that has a starting point from Monastiraki square(next to Monastiraki metro station) and reaches up to Apostle Pavlos wayfarer and St.Asomaton square.
Monastiraki area is one of the places that represent tradition and tourist sightseeing at the same time. It’s placed under the shadow of Acropolis at the South West section of the magisterial Sacred Rock and next to the Ancient Market and Attalos loft.
Many tourists are visiting here throughout the entire year. At summertime especially the place is full of people who traveled here from the far reaches of the world to admire our historical monuments and at the same time buy various staff (souvenirs, jewelry, clothes, shoes ,antiques etc) from our rich market of Monastiraki area.
During our walk we may meet various folklore bands, stilts and clowns mainly at Monastiraki square or the wayfarer of Andriannou Street. If tired we can relax and have a meal at one of the traditional coffee shops and restaurant of Andriannou street, St. Philip and Avissynias square with a view of the Acropolis, Hephaestus temple and Attalos loft.

We can reach Monastiraki via railway of ISAP (Monastiraki and Thisseion station) or via the busses who drive through Athens and Ermoy street. Parking spaces can be found in the Psyrri area.

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