Thursday, August 18, 2011


This year indeed, we witnessed many tourists from Russia in Greece.

A recent and very interesting BBC correspondence from Moscow is:

Russia Today

So well spotted.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011


You guessed right.

Once again, I am inspiring by BBC's latest travel releases. This time, Budapest and its latest pubs are the main thing. The links:

Budapest's Bars


I have been in that places, and I strongly recommending you. Art and normal life's feeling.

bars and ideas definitely missing from London.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

It's a Free World....

Hi All!

We followed with great interest the London urest. Besides the London Olympic Games, there is a different London as Ken Loach tried to spread in the movie: It's a Free World.... A movie that you have to watch.

You might watch the trailer here:

Watch it!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011


I just heard it and I wish to spread the word.

New Tinariwen's record is going to be released soon and you should dedicate some time for listening it.

Their new work is labelled Tassili and you might listen their tune at excellent henry Rollins's broadcast: Tinariwen

Good one!
My Zimbio
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