Sunday, September 20, 2009

Stereo Nova

Tonight is time to say something about a great Greek band that definitely was underestimated when was active. Their name was: Stereo Nova and I am linking their wiki page. Instead of saying much, I would prefer to post one of their songs by 1992.

The song is titled: New Life 705 where 705 was a bus line in Athens. Their music sounds so fresh and great even for today! Simply because they knew to write music.

We will post again, and if you are looking for a house in Greece check this page out: Properties in Greece

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Kurt Godel

In this post I would like to change a topic and to introduce a prominent figure of Mathematics by a software trick. For those of you using firefox you might try to type Godel in your http address space. Then you should be forwared to this page: Kurt Godel. Please take some time to read it.

We will post soon again.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Remix Again

Well, I need to be consistent and to keep posting some music!

This time a remix of that song: Your own Personal Jesus.

Well what we could say about that song and Deepech Mode? A possible answer is that a giant tried to re-visit their song:

Johnny's Cash version might not have the interesting guitars of Deepech Mode, but in one sense it brings a spiritual feeling to the song.

Enjoy listening :)

Flood Maps

I just found a clever application based on google maps that gives you the sea depth on different places of the globe.

Flood Maps

An interesting tool for those looking to buy a house in Greece for instance and to check whether that sea is friendly for their kids.

Regarding properties, interesting offers for properties in Santorini can be found here: Properties in Greece.


Saturday, September 12, 2009

Henry Rollins

We or me again :)

This morning I would like to host some lines about Henry Rollins. You might remember his figure by his MTV performances, but Rollins is something more than MTV presenter. His radio show in states still rocks and we are always look forward for his unique play lists. A bbc show from early 90s might give you more idea about his work:

Fortunately his blog is constantly updated and you could have a look: Rollins.

I really want to avoid to classify him, because he is good in whatever he does. He is a musician expert in what we say rock music and suprisingly enough for an American awares the European music. He does stand up comedy, and he is goooooooood!

Well, we will dedicate more lines about Mr. Rollins and we hope that he is considering us one of his Fanatics!

Oh, yes, once again, if you are looking for a house in Greece or for a Property in Greece, please visit that website: Properties in Santorini.

By the way his play lists should be considered as test against for missing material.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Lady Hawk

Good Evening!!!

Well, we will keep posting music and I hope that we will keep the music thread of this blog being interesting.

This time I would like to introduce Lady Hawk. Nice music and despite the fact that she is British, I think she has some strong American Country-Rock influence.

I am sure she is going to be quite popular in countries like Greece, Denmark and etc.

And as always, if you are looking for a house in Greece, please check this out: Properties in Santorini .

I am looking forward for your suggestions.

Sunday, September 6, 2009


Tonight I would like to congratulate BBC for its website for the following reasons:

1. They provide a low graphics option for many of their pages! Yes, even if we live in hi-tech ages, for so popular websites, it is important to provide LOW GRAPHICS options.

2. They have upgraded their main page in Ajax, but they keept the whole website as it was: Simple!

3. BBC's logos even in their web version, are state of art! Nothing too much, nothing less, just perfect!

BBC's website reflects what BBC is for us: Professional and a long standing Expertise.

If you are looking of course for a Property in Greece, please visit the following website: Properties in Greece
My Zimbio
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